Data protection policy

1. General Information

The company Fed, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 116,194 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 440 235 273, with its registered office located at 17 rue d’Astorg, 75008 Paris, France - Tel: 33 (0) 1 40 82 77 77 (the "Company") strongly urges you to read this data protection policy carefully before using the website (the "Site").

The Data Protection Policy outlines how the Company manages personal data processing related to the Site's management, in its capacity as the data controller. The Data Protection Policy can be changed at any time, so please check it regularly.

Any individual accessing or using the Site acknowledges having fully understood this Data Protection Policy at the time of their connection.

2. Personal Data Collection

The information provided by the user through the forms available on the site is intended for authorized staff of Fed company for administrative and commercial management purposes.

Information identified with an asterisk is mandatory. Without it, your request cannot be processed or its processing will be delayed.

To answer the questions of Site users or their requests, and to respond to job applications posted in response to job offers or unsolicited applications, manage public interaction systems, get to know users better to improve the quality of services offered on the Site, send them a periodic newsletter, send them press releases, send them publications, the Company may ask them for personal information such as their email addresses, either optionally or mandatorily.

This information:

  • Will be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully;
  • Will be recorded for specific and legitimate purposes;
  • Will be used in accordance with these purposes;
  • Is appropriate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to these purposes;
  • Will be subject to precautions to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data to prevent them from being damaged, altered, destroyed, or disclosed to unauthorized third parties.
  • The data thus collected on the Site results from the voluntary registration by users of their email address and/or personal data concerning them, allowing them to benefit from certain services on the site such as discussion forums, job offers, periodic newsletters, press releases, publications from the Company's subsidiaries, excluding automatically recorded IP addresses.

3. Collect's objective

The purpose of the collection is to:

  • Allow the Company and its subsidiaries to respond to requests from Site users, especially to applications submitted in response to job offers, internships, and unsolicited applications, or to contact users by email to keep them informed on certain topics;
  • Allow the user to access the interactive spaces of the Site;
  • Send the Company's publications to users upon their request;
  • Retain data that can identify the authors of messages hosted on the Site's discussion areas;
  • Respond to your complaints, questions, and information requests.
  • Improve and personalize your customer experience by providing access to customer service and offering solutions tailored to your needs;
  • More generally, to enable the operation of the Site. 

4. Recipient(s) of the data collection

The personal data collected through the contact forms are intended for individuals responsible for information processing within the Company and its subsidiaries.

The personal data collected in response to job offers, and internships listed on the Site, as well as unsolicited applications, are intended for individuals responsible for recruitment within the Company and its subsidiaries. This is in order to manage the application process and possibly present it to clients in the context of the missions entrusted to us.

The personal data collected by the Company on the Site are for internal use only and are not subject to any communication, transfer, or disclosure to third parties, without the express written permission of the concerned user, except under legal or judicial constraints.

However, Site users grant the Company the right to share all collected information with its clients, suppliers, subcontractors, and subsidiaries if necessary for the realization of the treatments mentioned above. In this case, corrections and/or cancellations of personal information will be notified to said suppliers, subcontractors, subsidiaries, or affiliated companies.

This applies to personal data collected through contact forms to receive publications from the Company and its subsidiaries, which may be intended for a subcontractor responsible for communicating said publications to internet users who have requested them.

5. Duration of personal information storage

Your personal data and/or user browsing information on the Site will not be stored beyond the time necessary for the intended processing purposes.

Regarding recruitment data, the duration is two years after the last contact with the candidate.

Navigation data will be stored for a maximum of 6 months in accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL (National Commission on Informatics and Liberty).

6. Right to digital death

Article 40-1 of the "Lemaire" law for a digital economy of October 7, 2016, allows you to formulate advanced directives on the fate of your personal data in the event of death.

7. Right of access, rectification, and deletion

In accordance with the aforementioned texts, on its own initiative or at the request of the concerned user, the Company may supplement, modify, or delete incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated personal data related to the operation of the Site.

Moreover, all websites of the Fed company have been registered on the list of personal data processing maintained by the DPO (Data Protection Officer) of the Fed company (Mélanie ROUILLON) with the CNIL, in accordance with the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.

In application of the provisions of the aforementioned text, users are informed that they have a right of access to personal information concerning them; a right to modify, rectify, delete, and erase said information; a right to the portability of personal data in accordance with current regulations.

They also have the right to object to the processing of their personal data for legitimate reasons, as well as a right to object to the use of this data for commercial prospecting purposes.

These rights can be exercised upon simple written request, necessarily accompanied by a valid identity proof bearing the holder's signature, sent to the Fed company at 17 rue d’Astorg, 75008 Paris or by email to the address:

Any request must be clear, precise, and justified.

The concerned individual is informed that in case of opposition to processing or if they transmit erroneous or whimsical data, the services linked to data collection cannot be rendered, and the Company cannot in any case be held responsible in this regard.

Furthermore, the collection of certain data may be imposed for regulatory or contractual reasons. The concerned individual is thus required to provide the requested personal data.

8. Your Commitment to Sincerity

By sending your application through our websites or via social networking sites (LinkedIn, Viadeo, etc.), you commit to providing only truthful and genuine information about yourself: your professional background, the degrees you have obtained, the duration of the positions you have held, and their types: fixed-term contract (CDD), open-ended contract (CDI), Internship, Temporary work, Professionalization contract, etc. We clarify that during our recruitment process, this data will be verified.

We remind you that any insincere or false information is an act aimed at deceiving our firm and our clients about your skills and at bypassing our recruitment processes.

You expressly acknowledge that such acts hold the responsibility of their authors and, as a result, you agree to indemnify us against all financial consequences - and advisory fees for our defense - arising directly or indirectly from any claim or action taken against us due to, in whole or in part, a lack of sincerity regarding the information you have entrusted to us.

9. Cookies

A cookie (or connection token) is a text file that may be saved in a designated space on your computer's hard drive when consulting an online service via your browser software.

It is sent from a website's server to your browser. Each cookie is assigned an anonymous identifier. A cookie cannot trace back to an individual.

When you visit the Site, we may, subject to your acceptance, install various cookies:

session cookies, which disappear as soon as you leave the site;
permanent cookies, which remain on your device until their lifetime expires or until you delete them using your browser's features;
statistics cookies (used to measure the traffic of our website).
Only the issuer of a cookie can read or modify the information contained within it.

In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL (French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties), when you first connect to the Site, you will be expressly asked to accept the Site's cookies.

The validity period of this consent is a maximum of 13 months.

We inform you that you can, however, object to the recording of cookies by adjusting how cookies are managed in your browser:

Chrome :

Internet Explorer :

Edge :

Safari :

Firefox :

Opera :

However, please note that if you uninstall a cookie or oppose the installation of cookies on your device, you might not be able to access certain features, pages, or areas of the Site, for which we cannot be held responsible.

10. Security

Personal data is processed in a way that guarantees appropriate security using relevant physical, technical, or organizational measures given the state of the art in the field, including protection against unauthorized or illicit processing and against loss, destruction, or accidental damage.

Depending on the needs, risks, costs, and the purpose of the processing, these measures can include the pseudonymization and encryption of data.

The Company implements a procedure aimed at regularly testing, analyzing, and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the processing.

11. Modifications 

The Company reserves the right to modify the Data Protection Policy at any time and without notice. Changes made to the Data Protection Policy will take effect once published on the Site.

12. Complaints

For any questions concerning the Data Protection Policy, please send your request by email to the following address:

You also have the option, regarding the use of Personal Data, to lodge a complaint with the personal data supervisory authority.

Any request must be clear, precise, justified, and accompanied by a copy of an identity document and made in accordance with the applicable legal framework.

Affected individuals may file a complaint with the CNIL (National Commission on Informatics and Liberty):

3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

Phone: 01 53 73 22 22 /Fax: 01 53 73 22 00

Or at the address:" class="redactor-linkify-object"> or