Website general terms and conditions

All natural or legal persons (hereinafter referred to as "Users") connecting to or using the site (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") acknowledge having read the general terms and conditions of use at the time of their connection and accept them without reservation.

These terms of use may be modified at any time. Each new version will be published on the Site. The applicable version is the one in effect on the day the Site is consulted by the Users and is binding on them.

Users must comply with these general terms and conditions of use.

They must also refrain from any collection, capture, distortion, or use of the data posted online, and generally from any act that could infringe on the privacy or reputation of individuals.

For any information related to the operation or use of the Site, you can write to its administrator at:

1. Legal Information

The Site is published by the company Fed (hereinafter "the Company"), a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 116,194 euros, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 440 235 273, with its registered office at 17 rue d’Astorg, 75008 Paris, France - Tel: 33 (0) 1 40 82 77 77, VAT Number FR 03 440 235 273.

The Publication Director is Mr. Alexandre Tamagnaud, President of the company Fed SAS.

The Site's hosting is provided by the company Idéematic, a limited liability company with a capital of 25,000 euros, registered in the Strasbourg Trade and Companies Register under number 532 776 218, with its registered office at 26 rue du Kochersberg, 67200 Strasbourg - Tel: +33 (0) 3 88 23 71 53. 

2.  Site Information and Updates

The information provided on the Site is for informational purposes only and without any warranty. Errors and omissions may occur; therefore, the Company cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information disseminated on the Site. As such, the Company or its subsidiaries cannot be held liable. This information can be modified or updated without notice. In particular, information provided by employers regarding job offers on the Site or service is their sole responsibility and does not bind the Company.

The Company makes reasonable efforts to offer up-to-date information on its Site. All information made available to those accessing the Site was selected on a specific date.

Updates may be needed but may not have been made by the time of their consultation for technical or other reasons, or they may have been altered. The Company cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

3.  Personal Space on the Site

The Site offers Users the opportunity to create a personal space (My account). Any User wishing to create a personal space must be aware of these terms of use and accept their terms. By ticking the "I have read the terms of use and accept them" box, the user acknowledges agreeing to the terms of these terms of use, complying with them, and accepting their terms.

Each User can only register once.

Creating the personal space requires the User to fill out a registration form online, indicating the mandatory information. The User will specifically need to define a username and a password to access their member account.

An email will be sent to the User confirming their registration at the email address provided in the form.

If the required information is not filled in, registration will not be possible.

The User undertakes to ensure that the information provided in the form is complete and accurate. In particular, Users commit only to providing sincere and true information: professional background, diplomas, duration of positions held, and their types: fixed-term, permanent, internship, temporary, professional contract, etc.

The User is informed that during the recruitment process, this data will be verified.

Remember, any insincere or false information is an attempt to deceive the Company and its clients about the Users' skills and to divert our recruitment processes.

Users expressly acknowledge that such actions engage the liability of their authors and consequently agree to indemnify the Company against all financial consequences - and the costs of advice for our defense - arising directly or indirectly from any claim or action brought against us due, in whole or in part, to a lack of sincerity regarding such information.

Any registration with manifestly incorrect details may be deleted. The User also undertakes to keep their username and password strictly confidential. Any connection using a User's username and password will be deemed to have been made by that User.

Registration grants the User membership status on the Site and gives them access to the services offered in this context.

A User can modify their information or delete their account at any time via the "My account" page.

In the event of fraudulent use, loss, destruction, or theft of the username and password, the User must change them as soon as possible on the Site. The Company cannot be held responsible for the consequences of this fraudulent use, loss, destruction, or theft.

The Company may decide to delete a member account in the event of a violation by the account holder of these general terms and conditions of use.

Each User creating a personal space commits:

  • To only create and use one account;
  • To only communicate accurate and up-to-date information;
  • To respect other members, be courteous and not aggressive in any potential exchanges with other members or the Site;
  • To respect the specific conditions for each service offered on the Site.

4. Espaces interactifs / de discussion

Holders of a personal space may be offered the opportunity to post comments and interact with the Company or third parties in dedicated areas of the Site.

The user is solely responsible for the content they post on the Site, as well as the texts and/or opinions they express. They particularly undertake to ensure that these data do not harm the legitimate interests of third parties in any way.

In this regard, they commit to:

  • Not defame, abuse, harass, stalk, insult, or threaten anyone, or violate others' rights,
  • Not use offensive language (such as insults),
  • Not be aggressive,
  • Not promote a brand, sign, activity, product, or any service,
  • Not advocate crimes against humanity, not incite racial hatred or pedophilia,
  • Not create a false identity or impersonate a third party,
  • Not transmit viruses, Trojans, logic bombs, or any other harmful or destructive program,
  • Not disrupt the operation of the Site,
  • Not infringe on the privacy and the right to the image of individuals who might be identified within the content,

Generally, not transmit elements that infringe on intellectual property rights or third-party rights, including trademark rights, privacy rights, or copyright.

The user indemnifies the Company against all claims, whether directly or indirectly based on these statements and/or data, that any third party may bring against the Company. They particularly undertake to cover the payment of sums, whatever their nature, resulting from a third party's claim against the Company, including attorney's fees and court costs.

5. Social Media Sharing Features

The Site offers features that allow sharing certain content on social media. In doing so, the User commits not to distort the meaning of the content or to harm the Company's image. In any event, this sharing is under the full responsibility of the User, as the Company is not the publisher of said social networks, which are independent. The Company cannot be held responsible for any consequences related to the use of these platforms.

6. Liability

The Company commits to making its best efforts to ensure that the Site is accessible to Users at all times. However, the Company cannot be held responsible in case of the Site's unavailability, for any reason.

The Company strives to provide Users with accurate information and tools, but cannot be held responsible for errors, the unavailability of information, or the presence of viruses or other malicious software on its Site.

The User acknowledges that they have the skills and means necessary to access and use the Site, and confirms that their computer configuration is free of viruses and in perfect working condition.

The User acknowledges that data transmissions over the Internet are technically unreliable and that data itself is not protected against potential misappropriation. In this context, the User shares passwords or any other confidential data at their own risk.

Users are responsible for taking all appropriate measures to protect their data and equipment from viruses or attempted hacking.

The User uses the Site at their own risk. The Company, its subsidiaries, and subcontractors, cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the content or use of the Site or any linked sites, including the inability to access any of these sites.

Users of the Site must respect provisions related to the processing of personal data. In particular, they must refrain from any unlawful data collection or actions that could harm individuals' privacy or reputation.

7. Personal Data

User data collected and processed via the Site is governed by the Privacy Policy accessible at this link:

8. Intellectual Property Rights

The general structure of this Site, its templates, and other components, as well as the information, pictograms, photographs, images, and texts, are subject to intellectual property laws. The Company either owns or holds the rights to use these elements for the Site.

Any unauthorized reproduction, representation, or use of the Site or its components is prohibited and may lead to legal action.

The potential databases available on the Site are protected by the law of July 1, 1998, transposing the Intellectual Property Code's Directive of March 11, 1996, related to database protection.

The trademarks displayed on the Site are owned by the Company or its affiliates, or the Company has the right to use them for the Site. Any unauthorized use of these trademarks is prohibited.

To use any components of the Site, requests should be mailed to the company at 17 rue d’Astorg, 75008 Paris, France.

Other distinctive signs, including company names, trade names, and domain names reproduced on the Site, belong to the Company or third parties, and unauthorized use may result in legal action.

9. Hyperlinks

External hyperlinks set up on this website and the content of third-party sites they point to do not bind the Company or its subsidiaries.

The creation of hyperlinks to the Site is strictly prohibited without the Company's express written consent. For hyperlink requests, users may contact:

The Site may offer links to other websites. The Company is not responsible for the content of these linked sites or any damages resulting from connecting to them. 

10. Applicable Law

These terms of use are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, only French courts will have jurisdiction.